Frequently Asked Questions

When are CHEC classes scheduled?
How many classes can my child take?
Do I need to stay at CHEC while my child is in class?
If my child is at CHEC for the entire day when will they have a lunch break?
How are the age guidelines for the classes interpreted? May I request to add my child to a class even if she or he does not fall within the age range?
Where are classes held?
Do you offer the same classes each session?
My child has nut allergies; do you have a nut-free policy?
Are your classes appropriate for children with learning differences?
CHEC is AMAZING! How can I help in the future?
Does CHEC offer financial aid?
How do partial scholarships work?
How does work/study aid work?
A course one of my children is registered for has low enrollment. Will it be cancelled?
One of my child's courses is not a good fit. Can we drop the class after classes start?
Registration isn't open yet, but I see some classes already have students registered. How does that work?
My student is interested in taking a class that is full. How does the waitlist work?
How does one become a teacher at CHEC?
How can I contribute to the CHEC scholarship fund?
What is Supervised Stay?
What is CHEC's mailing address?
What is CHEC's snow cancellation policy?
Does CHEC have social media accounts?
What if my child will be absent from class?
How are teachers screened before teaching a class at CHEC?
What kinds of classes can I teach at CHEC?
What duties are families expected to take on at CHEC?
What role does CHEC play?
What is CHEC's Privacy Policy?

In person CHEC classes are held on Mondays between 9:45am and 3:40pm. There are three terms: an 8-week term in the fall (Sept.-Nov.), an 8-week term in the winter (Jan.-Mar.), and an 8-week term in the spring (April-May). Exact dates for each session are available when registration opens. Most classes run for 1 hour and 15 minutes. Some classes are shorter, and the length of these classes will be noted in the schedule. Several classes will take place at an off-site location as described in the schedule. Online classes usually take place on a different day of the week, and the day and time for these classes will be noted in the schedule. Online classes take place via Zoom.

Your child may take just one class or multiple classes.

In accordance with Virginia law, children attending CHEC who are under the age of 5 must have a parent or guardian on site at all times. You are welcome to arrange for a friend or adult babysitter to be your child’s guardian, but please let our site supervisors know if this is the case. Children ages 6-12 must be enrolled in either a class or in Supervised Stay in order to remain on site during time when they do not have parental supervision. Please sign your child(ren) in and out of CHEC. The sign-in sheet can be found at the check-in table with our site managers. If your child is at least 13 years of age, you can waive the CHEC sign-in and sign-out procedures by completing the Teen Sign-Out Waiver. Teens ages 13 and up have the option of staying on site without enrolling in (and paying for) Supervised Stay. We will NOT be supervising your teen during those periods. In other words, our site managers will not be notified that they are on site, and we will not be looking for them in the event of an emergency. This also means that your teen will be free to go off-site without notifying anyone at CHEC. We leave it up to your discretion to determine whether your teen is mature enough to be able to be left at CHEC unsupervised. If we feel that your child is demonstrating that they need supervision, then we reserve the right to require them to be enrolled in Supervised Stay. If you will be picking up your child late, please notify our site supervisor at or (434) 326-1772. CHEC will have several site managers on site. The site managers will be available to help direct families to classes, answer questions, and assist instructors and families as needed.

There will be a lunch break between 2nd and 3rd periods. As we hope to facilitate social connections, we think this time is especially important for students and hope they will socialize and play. We have many children with allergies, including nuts, gluten and eggs. Please be mindful of what you pack for your child’s lunch or snack. While we do not have nut-free policy, we do have several children with severe nut allergies so we ask that you avoid packing peanuts or peanut butter in your child’s lunch or snack. Please talk with your children about washing hands and cleaning up messes after they eat.

The age ranges for each class are set by the teacher. In order to be registered for a course, the student must at least be turning the minimum age listed by the last regular class of the session. If you would like to request an exception for your child (to take a course whose age range is above or below the limit), please submit that request through the website at Registration Menu--> Request Enrollment Exception. These requests go directly to the instructors, who will respond to them.

In-person classes are currently held at Unitarian-Universalist building at 717 Rugby Road, Charlottesville. Some classes are held at alternate sites. The location of a class is listed in the course listing.

Classes generally change each term, but several popular classes return regularly.

We do not have a nut-free policy, however we generally have a number of students with food allergies, including nut, dairy, and gluten. Our instructors are sensitive to the individual needs of the students in their classes who have food allergies and are willing to accommodate them in any class, including cooking classes. When you enroll your child in a particular class, please include your child’s allergens in the notes during enrollment, as well as on the health form that is part of the initial registration packet.

CHEC is very accepting of diverse learning styles. We have students with a variety of learning differences, including ADHD, dyslexia, dysgraphia, and gifted learners. These students are often successful at CHEC as we have small class sizes, flexible instructors, and the a-la-carte nature of our program allows careful pairing of students with appropriate classes. If your child would benefit from accommodations, please discuss them with instructors prior to registering. Please note that CHEC is not equipped to handle students with behavior issues. We do require that students respect instructors and other students.

We encourage family involvement. As a non-profit, CHEC is entirely run by volunteers! A variety of volunteer opportunities exist, including serving on the board or as an officer, working as a site manager, fundraising, or helping with special events. And, of course, donations are always welcome.

Yes. CHEC strives to provide all interested children the opportunity to attend at least one class per session. We recognize that tuition costs are prohibitive for some families and we provide financial aid as we are able. CHEC offers both work/study financial aid and partial scholarships. We are able to offer financial aid thanks to donations and fundraising efforts. In order to apply for a scholarship for your child, please complete a scholarship application on the CHEC website under the "Registration>Request Financial Aid" tab.

Where possible, we ask that families participate in our work/study program. Partial scholarships can be used if that is not possible or does not cover a sufficient amount of the course cost. Partial scholarships depend on the availability of funds in our scholarship account. The amount of scholarship varies from covering a percentage of the course cost, to covering the entire cost. We do ask that families pay a minimum of $25 per course that they are applying for. Scholarship applications must be submitted every term, prior to the scholarship due date. Applications can be submitted once you have created an account and registered your child in a class. Scholarship applicants are not required to pay half at registration, but must pay $25 per class to secure a spot in a course. The scholarship committee will contact you after the scholarship deadline to let you know what funds are available to assist you. If no funds are available, the $25 deposit(s) will be refunded.

For work/study financial aid, parents participate in the running of CHEC in exchange for discounted tuition. Typically, this involves serving as a site manager or an officer, although we occasionally have other work/study positions available. Site managers are selected on a session by session basis and stay at CHEC for part of the day to help with supervision of students and support instructors. Officers serve a year long term and are selected by the board at the end of each year. Officers receive a discount on the admin fee per class while they are serving. Site Managers receive a discount on the admin fee on two classes for each shift they work. If you are interested in holding a work/study position, please contact CHEC's site supervisor at

Instructors specify a minimum number of students needed to run each of their classes when they submit the class for consideration. If a class does not meet the minimum enrollment, the class may be cancelled, or may proceed with low enrollment. Any low enrollment classes that are canceled will be closed after the add/drop period has passed (late registration deadline). CHEC will notify parents via an automated email, the student will be withdrawn from the class and a credit will be issued to the account. If parents would like to register the student for another class in place of the cancelled one, they should email the registrar at to process the new enrollment so that CHEC can waive the late registration fee. CHEC will attempt to run some classes with less than the minimum number of students originally specified by the teacher. We understand that peer interaction is very important to CHEC families, and in cases where we consider running a class with three or less students, CHEC will reach out prior to the start of a term to confirm that the teacher, as well as registered students, wish to proceed with the class.

We appreciate it when parents make every effort to determine if the class will be a good fit prior to registration. If you have questions about prerequisites or accommodations, please contact the registrar or instructor prior to class. If after the first class, your student feels a class is a poor fit, we will do our best to find a better fit if possible. Please talk to the registrar, head site manager, or instructor to try and find a resolution. We believe it is in the best interest of all involved to find a good fit, so we will make every effort to help parents with this. Do be aware, however, that we make a commitment to pay instructors, so excessive switching puts a financial burden on CHEC. You have up until 3 days after the first class to drop or change a class. Classes dropped and not replaced prior to this date (and after the add/drop date listed on the class schedule) will be charged a $25 drop fee per class. Classes that are dropped after this date will not be refunded.

There are several types of registrations that occur prior to registration opening. Sometimes an instructor will register their own child in their course. Returning students or those who were on a waitlist in a previous term may be given the opportunity to register prior to general registration opening. Sometimes a few registrations are processed as test cases to confirm that the registration software is working. CHEC Officers are volunteers, and are given the opportunity to register their children for classes early as a way to thank them for their contributions to CHEC.

If your student is interested in taking a class that is full, you can add to the waitlist by going to Registration->Request Enrollment. If a space opens in the class, the registrar will contact you to see if you are still interested in enrolling your student. In some cases, instructors may be willing to accept additional students in the class (particularly in cases where a student is switching from another class that closed due to low enrollment). Occasionally we may open a new section of the course if space and demand warrant it.

If you are interested in teaching a class at CHEC, please contact the registrar ( Prospective teachers will visit CHEC and meet with an officer to discuss how teaching at CHEC works, and cover Q&A, prior to having an instructor account created. Teachers submit course descriptions to the registrar each session through their instructor account. Courses are scheduled depending on availability and suitability.

There are many ways to contribute to the CHEC scholarship fund. (1) Direct donations are appreciated and can be made through your account under Registration>My Account. (2) Every time you purchase something through a bake sale or pizza sale; buy a t-shirt; or pay for a Parents Day Out drop-off event, the proceeds of your purchase go toward the CHEC scholarship fund and the administration of CHEC. Other events that raise money for CHEC include the Spring Fling, the plant sale and the curriculum sale. (3) Designate the Community Homeschool Enrichment Center as the charity of your choice through Amazon Smile, and then shop at every time you make a purchase.

Supervised Stay will run in a dedicated lounge space and/or playground, supervised by site managers. We will offer one Supervised Stay session per period. Supervised Stay is not offered before 9:45am or after 3:40pm. The cost is $60 for the whole term, per child. Please note the following policies: • Students may not register for more Supervised Stay sessions than classes. • Discounts and scholarships do not apply to Supervised Stay sessions. • Children of parents who are on site (teaching, site managing, or just hanging out) may participate WITHOUT charge. • If a class is cancelled for the day, students may participate in Supervised Stay for that class period without charge (but please report to your regular classroom first). • Students not enrolled in Supervised Stay for the whole term may drop-in to a single Supervised Stay for $10. • Students in Supervised Stay should provide their own busy work. While we try to provide a few games and books, we do not have the staff to provide other activities to entertain the children. • A Quiet Lounge will be available for parents or students who are working quietly on computers or reading. A Middle/High lounge is available for students who are 12+.

You can mail tuition payments and other correspondence to CHEC, PO Box 1730, Charlottesville, VA 22902.

CHEC will cancel classes in the event that either Albemarle County or Charlottesville City schools cancel classes due to poor weather. If the county or city has a 1- or 2-hour delay, we will hold classes as scheduled. If we do need to cancel classes, we will update the announcement on the homepage of our website. We will also send out an email to parents and teachers. If we do cancel classes, we will reschedule them on one of the makeup days.

Yes! You can find our Facebook page at and on Instagram @checcooperative.

If you know in advance that your child will not be attending class, please call or email us at or (434) 326-1772 so we can let the instructor know.

We require every teacher to visit CHEC and meet with one or more of the officers before they can teach a class at CHEC. We conduct background checks on every teacher and site manager for identity verification and a criminal records check. We renew these background checks every three years. Every class description is reviewed by the registrar before it is published on our website.

Classes at CHEC should be age-appropriate, objective and secular. Other than that, the sky is the limit! The classes at CHEC reflect the knowledge and imagination of our teachers. Classes can be purely for enrichment purposes or can be academically based in any subject. Please contact our registrar at if you are interested in teaching at CHEC.

Classes are taught by independent contractor teachers (some are homeschool parents, some are not). Parents can volunteer with CHEC (and receive discounts for classes) but participation is not required. If you are a parent and interested in teaching with CHEC, please email If you are interested in volunteering with CHEC as a site manager, please email If you wish to volunteer for one of our committees (fundraising, website support, etc), please email

Chec is intended to facilitate communication between teachers and students. Our role is to schedule classes in a convenient time and place, provide insurance coverage, and to streamline payment. Our goal is to make it easier for teachers and students to connect.

CHEC maintains a strict policy on the use of student information provided to us in your child’s account on the website and in our forms. CHEC agrees to hold your confidential information in trust and confidence and agrees that it shall be used only for purposes related to your child’s participation in CHEC, shall not be used for any other purpose, or disclosed to any third party unless expressly authorized by this agreement or further written authorization by you. Teachers, officers and site managers are authorized access to such confidential information to the extent necessary to perform their duties. Teachers, officers and site managers are required to protect against unauthorized access to such information, ensure the security and privacy of such information, and disclose any anticipated threats or hazards to such information.